A survival guide for pharmacists: 4 license suspension risks

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2024 | Professional License Issues |

Years of dedicated study, grueling exams and hours of practical experience gave you the title of pharmacist. It is a profession marked by responsibility, attention to detail and the sometimes heavy burden of maintaining patient trust.

Unfortunately, even the most dedicated professional pharmacists can unknowingly step into treacherous waters that threaten their most valuable asset – the license to practice. Here are four common ways you may be risking yours.

1. HIPAA violations

Patient confidentiality is sacrosanct in America. Of course, an intentional HIPAA breach could trigger a license investigation, but accidental violations may also threaten your career. Vigilance is essential in safeguarding physical records, electronic data and oral communications involving patients.

2. Continuing education lapses

Like other medical professionals, pharmacists require ongoing education to stay current with evolving practices, medications and regulations. Failing to fulfill these continuing education credit requirements could render your professional license inactive. Always keep up with your training obligations.

3. Controlled substance mismanagement

Rigorous oversight of controlled substances, especially those prone to abuse, is vital. Unaccounted discrepancies in inventory, missing drugs or even unusual dispensing patterns can raise suspicion and prompt investigations. Keep detailed dispensing records and watch over the practices of others.

4. Ignoring legal issues

Legal representation can provide indispensable support when facing accusations or investigations regarding your pharmacist practices. Obtaining counsel early on can guide you smoothly through complex situations and minimize potential damage. In other words, it can improve your odds of safeguarding your professional license.

By diligently upholding these areas, pharmacists can protect their hard-earned licenses and ensure continued safety and well-being for their patients.